Rafting Site Plan

Franck Tshibala



The purpose of this site plan is to show the layout and structures needed to operate Whitewater Adventures, a new rafting company offering guided raft trips on the Wild River. The site plan will show where buildings, parking, storage, restrooms, river access point and other features will be located so rafting trips can happen safely.


a. Who can be the target customers for this business? This busine is for People who live relatively close by that want an occasional recreational weekend rafting experience without extensive travel and for Families with older children and teens looking for an exciting activity to do together on vacation. b. what does these customers want to get out of this business? Being out in nature, taking in beautiful scenery along the river and disconnecting from daily routine and technology to refresh the body and mind. c. What questions will be answered by them accessing the website? What are your prices and cancellation/refund policies? Do you offer discounts? What type of trips do you offer: half-day, full-day, multi-day, etc?


Website Logo

Rafting Site Logo

Style Guide

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Color Pallett: https://coolors.co/palette/687351-9ba17f-e8e4db-c9c1ae


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Normal Text/Paragraph Open Sans

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